What We Do

We Give Life to Good Ideas

For over 50 years, we’ve built powerful relationships in every channel of retail. From traditional brick & mortar to televised and internet retailers, Mind64 is a true Omni-Channel partner. From concept to launch we connect target customers with our clients’ products and brands. Together we analyze market trends, develop packaging and branding, define objectives and secure best-in-class national sales representation.

Mind64 creates effective sales campaigns that are designed to succeed with clear objectives, flawless executions and a built in return-on-investment.

A Trusted Partner at Qurate

QVC is one of the largest retailers in the world. It presents an incredible opportunity for entrepreneurs and inventors to gain international exposure. With their acquisition of HSN, we expanded our reach to include the entire Qurate Retail Group. The influence of QVC’s retail sales is immeasurable. It is a perfect advertising vehicle to launch brands and extend sales across every other retail channel.

From strategic brand activations to product positioning, host interaction, guest preparation, on-air support and live television production, Mind64 is a proven partner at QVC / HSN

Business Consulting

In 2004, we developed a method of informing business decision-makers with insights to create better outcomes. By leveraging our industry expertise, we help our clients make better-educated investment decisions. Our Business Intelligence Services are used by hedge funds, venture capitalists and alternative investors. We address the myriad issues inherent in our dynamic, competitive market place and give an “experts-eye” view of Omni-Channel retail.

Mind64 has been involved in many high profile hedge fund engagements, with a proven track record for providing reliable information that meets all regulatory and compliance requirements.

Legal Services

If your invention or idea is valuable to you and you are serious about pursuing it, our patent evaluation is critically important to determine whether you can be successful- it will help you avoid needlessly spending a great deal of time and money, going in the wrong direction.

With the growing maze of laws, regulations and licensing, our compliance officers insure that all of our clients adhere to the internal policies of customers and the regulatory requirements they must follow.

The Companies We Keep

Home Depot




Bed Bath and Beyond



CVS Pharmacy

Dicks Sporting Goods

Master Lock



Best Buy


Green Gobbler





Omni – Channel Retail may be new to some, but not to us.